Guide for the localization of this website
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How to Translate This Website

Adding a New Language to the Website

At the moment, this website is localized for 9 languages. If you want to add a new language, you need to edit the file:


and add the new language to this list:

var languages = [ar, de, en, es, fl, fr, it, pt, ru];

You will also need to add to this stylesheet:


adding the new language to this line:

.ar:lang(ar), .de:lang(de), .en:lang(en), .es:lang(es), .fl:lang(fl), .fr:lang(fr), .it:lang(it), .pt:lang(pt), .ru:lang(ru)

Adding a Localized Home Page

To have the home page localized in a new language, you need to copy the file index.html (in the root directory) to a new file in the pages/mydoc folder. The new file will be named with a 2-letter language code preceding the file name, for example, for Italian:

Apart from translating the body of the page, you will also need to modify the following fields:

  • title: - the localized title of the page
  • permalink: - this will need to be identical to the file name, for example, if the file name is, the permalink will need to be: it_index.html
  • lang: - the value needs to be the 2-letter code for the language of the page.

You will also need to add the localized title of the website in the _config.yml file in the root directory, adding it to this menu:

topnav_title: multilanguage
  en: Access Now Digital Security Helpline Public Documentation
  it: Documentazione pubblica della Helpline di sicurezza informatica di Access Now
  ru: Документация сообщества Службы поддержки по цифровой безопасности Access Now
  es: Documentación para la comunidad de la Línea de ayuda en seguridad digital de Access Now
  fr: Documentation de communauté de la plateforme d’assistance numérique d'Access Now

Creating and Editing a Page

If you are adding a localized page, create the file by copying it from the relevante page in another language or from one of the relevant templates (for articles and email templates), and modify the following tags in the YAML front matter at the beginning of the document:

  • ref: - This should be a common one-word unique identifier that is repeated in all localized versions of the same page. In order for one page to appear as being the translation of another page, both pages need to have the same identifier in this field. So if you copied the new file from the page you are translating, there will be no need to modify this value.
  • lang: - This should be a 2-letter code corresponding to the language of the document.

Adding a Tag Page

If you want a tag page to be localized, you need to create a new page in the pages/tags folder.

You can start from the English template, for example:

Copy the English template to a new file, and rename it by adding the relevant 2-letter language code, for example you will add “it_” for Italian:

The YAML front matter of the file also needs to be modified with the relevante language code, for example, for Italian:

  • lang: it
  • langNow: it

Check that the permalink matches the title (if the file is named, the permalink will be it_tag_helpline_procedures_templates.html and translate the title value in the YAML front matter, and you’re set.

Adding an Item to the Side Panel

Adding a Language to an Item

If you want an item to be localized, you need to modify the side panel configuration file:


In the file, identify the item you want to add a language to and add the 2-letter language code in the list of languages for that item.

Localizing the Title of an Item

To localize the title of an item, you will need to modify the side panel configuration file:


You will need to:

  • Change the value for title: to “multilanguage” (i.e.: title: multilanguage)
  • Add a localized title for each language, as in the following example:
- title: multilanguage
    en: Articles
    it: Articoli
    es: Artículos
    ru: Статьи
    fr: Articles

To add a localized link to the top navigation menu, you need to edit the menu configuration file:


You will need to add:

  • Change the value for title: to “multilanguage” (i.e.: title: multilanguage)
  • Add a localized Title for each language, as in the following example:
- title: multilanguage
     en: About
     it: Chi siamo
     ru: О нас
     fr: À propos

Links can also be localized, following these instructions:

  • Change the value for external_url: to “multilanguage” (i.e.: external_url: multilanguage)
  • Add a key m_external_url: followed by a list of localized strings for each language, as in the example below:
        - title: multilanguage 
          en: Digital Security Helpline
          it: Helpline di sicurezza digitale
          external_url: multilanguage