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The following pages and posts are tagged with:

Full-Disk Encryption on Mac with FileVault 2 Page The client has an unencrypted Mac computer (OS X Lion - 10.7 - or later) and needs to protect sensitive files. A high-risk user has a Mac computer (OS X Lion...
Tails Boot Issues on Mac Page A Tails stick fails to boot on a Mac computer. The same Tails stick boots up normally on other machines.
Antivirus for Mac Page A client is asking for an antivirus recommendation on Mac. A client is a high risk person using a Mac computer.
Secure File Sharing on Google Drive Page A client uses Google Drive for sharing sensitive documents and needs to review their security practices.
Security Measures for macOS Computers Page A high-risk macOS user is asking for digital security recommendations on how to secure their device.
FAQ - Full-Disk Encryption (FDE) Page A client's sensitive information is stored on a device (laptop, smartphone) unprotected; a client has critical data on their device and is concerned about lo...
FAQ - Secure Backup Page The client has sensitive information and is afraid of losing it; the client is going to encrypt their device and wants to back up their data in advance; the ...
Encrypt an External Storage Device Using Disk Utility on Mac Page A client is using a Mac and their external device might be examined by an untrusted authority or risks being lost or stolen.
File Encryption with VeraCrypt or GPG Page A client is uploading sensitive data on an online file hosting service (DropBox-like) without protecting it through encryption, or needs to back up sensitive...
Encrypt an External Storage Device with VeraCrypt Page A client needs to store sensitive data in an external storage device, like a USB stick, a memory card, or an external hard drive. The storage device risks be...
Recommendations on Secure File Sharing and File Storage Page A client needs a secure solution for sharing files and/or for storing them in the cloud
How to Check the Integrity of a File Page A client needs to check the integrity of a file they have downloaded from the internet, or to extract the hash of a file that they are sending to the Helplin...
Encrypt Files on a Mac with GpgTools Page A client using macOS is uploading sensitive data on an online file hosting service (DropBox-like) without protecting it through encryption.
Ubuntu - Linux - FDE after OS installation Page The client would like to encrypt the entire hard drive of a laptop running on Linux Ubuntu.
FDE with DiskCryptor on Windows Page A client has an unencrypted machine and their version of Windows does not support Bitlocker.